Monday, May 10, 2010

What if The Church Was More Than Just A Building?

My whole life I’ve heard people say, “The church isn’t a building, it’s the people.” There is no truer statement than this…right? We get this idea from the Greek word ecclesia, which when translated refers to God’s people or…fellowship. This is the New Testament term that is used for “church”. So, naturally, when we talk about the church, we want to assume we’re talking about the people that make up the church. For some reason, I was pondering what the church might actually look like if it were just a building. Join me on the venture, would ya?

1) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than an event where we meet strangers and acquaintances once or twice a week, not a gathering place of family and friends where we all know each other intimately. (Eph. 2:19)

2) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a battlefield for disagreements, not a place where we care, love and respect one another through our unified diversity. (Eph. 1: 10)

3) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a cooperation run like any other business with committee meetings and business heads, not a community of fathers, brothers, mothers, sisters or children that work to meet the needs of not only them, but others. (1 John 2: 13-14)

4) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a place where affection is pushed to the edges for fear of controversy, not a place where we “greet all brothers and sisters with a holy kiss.” (1 Thess. 5: 26)

5) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a place where we accept those we choose (for various reasons), not a place where we accept everyone just as Christ has accepted us. (Romans 15:7)

6) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a space where we sit and listen, not a gathering where the community participates and contributes to the living worship of Christ. (Eph. 4: 11-16)

7) If the church were just a building, it’d be nothing more than a place for programs to attract people inside, not a fellowship where the community goes out to meet the needs of others. (Matthew 28: 16-20)

I guess that’s what the church would look like if it were simply a building and not the living hands and feet of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lucky for us, our churches today look nothing like that….right?

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