Thursday, August 19, 2010

True Colors

So, lately I've been roller skating outside for some exercise. I've gained a little more weight than I'd ever hoped (as I write this I'm eating a cookie - this could be some of the problem) and so I decided it was time to get back in the habit of doing some cardiovascular workouts. I love the outdoors and I love to skate - so this is the perfect combination. I've started out skating 3 miles a day. AS that gets easier, I'll go further...but for now it's plenty.

Yesterday, skating threw my neighborhood, I skated over some dead leaves. Not leaves that had fallen last year and were still hangin around, these were this years leaves. I was saddened. It's just over halfway through August, and because of the lack of water, our trees are already dropping their leaves. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year, but this year I'm afraid the trees won't be turning their beautiful shades of yellow, red, and orange because we simply haven't had enough rainfall. The trees will change, but they just won't be as vibrant. The weather plays a major part in how bright the colors are each year. Rain plays a major part because the more moisture (water) the brighter the leaf!

Something else that's interesting is that the fall colors we see on the trees are actually the leaves true colors. In other words, leaves aren't green, they're simply filled with chlorophyll which makes them appear green. With cooler temperatures and shorter days, the chlorophyll is removed and the true color of the leaf is revealed. Basically, we see the true beauty of the tree once the green is gone.

This reminds me very much of our walk with Christ. Christ is the living water. (John 4:13-14) Until we drink of this water, we are perpetually thirsty. We continually seek water that is unquenchable. But once we do drink that water and accept Christ, our sin is removed and our true colors are shown. God is able to work in and through us once we completely drink him in. Much like the trees need water in the summer to shine their brightest once the chlorophyll is removed, we need the living water of a savior to to help are true colors shine when He removes our sin.

What well are you drinking from? Are you in a drought, or are your true colors out for the world to see the living Christ in you?