Wednesday, June 1, 2011

God Owes Me!!

God owes me…right? Doesn’t God owe me for becoming a Christian? I mean, I did SAY I believe in Him. Heck, I even said it in front of others a time or two. God owes me!

God owes me because I did what he said I should. I got baptized in front of a lot of people just so they’d know I was serious. So, God owes me!

God owes me because I’ve done everything right. I pray sometimes…I read my Bible some. I even give God a whole hour or two one day a week. That’s not my time. I sacrifice that time…right? God owes me!

God owes me because he loves me. And if he loves me, he owes me a better life…right? God owes me!

I mean really, what’s God done? He sent his son to die in my place. He sent his son to die so that I could spend eternity beyond the pettiness of this world in an unimaginable paradise with him. He sent his son to die just so he and I could be friends. He traded his own child’s life so he and I could have a relationship. Wait, he literally offered up his son; HIS WISE, SMART, GREAT, PERFECT, SINLESS, LOVING CHILD, so that a foolish, ignorant, ungrateful, filthy, sinful, unlovable person like me could be claimed as his child instead. That doesn’t even make since. That kind of love for me is unparalleled in this world.

No, God doesn’t owe me. If anything…I OWE GOD my life! Wait...didn't I say I gave it to him? :-o