Crazy, huh? I'm writing about procrastination this week. Well, I haven't written a blog in about a year...which says I've been procrastinating on that for some time. I wanted to, but I kept putting it off until tomorrow...which, of course, never came. I had all kinds of blogs I was going to write and twice as many excuses on why not to write them. Good excuses too; like the one where I was tired and decided I should take a nap. Oh, and the one where I told myself I deserved a break from writing because I was in school and had to write enough as it was. And then there was the excuse that I didn't have time because I was too busy...and then went and watched some TV. Then there's the one where I decided I didn't know how to blog. I also decided once that no one cared, so I didn't write. See what I mean, Really Good Excuses (note the sarcasm). I guess that's what brought me here today. I thought, I should write about procrastinating to stop procrastinating, to myself.
So, now on to writing about procrastination. Procrastination is a demon! I've been reading the book "The War of Art" by Steven Pressfield and it's given me great insights to the role of resistance in our lives. It talks about how resistance goal is to destroy us and is not satisfied until it does. Wow, how true is that! Procrastination may be Satan's finest tool. The ability to show us what we should do, have the insight to know we can accomplish it, and then rob us the satisfaction of completion is an affective tool for depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. Not only that, but how affective this tool is in preventing me from doing what God wants me to do. It seems silly to think I'd lean on a crutch of Satan's rather than flourish in the power of the Almighty!
As I look at my excuses for not blogging, I think I can honestly say I've used them all before. Like when I decided I was tired to go to church, so I slept in that day. Or the time I felt lead to attend Bible study but decided I was too busy and watched football instead. Or that time when I was asked to preach and didn't because I was afraid I didn't know how. Or the time I was going to serve at church and thought nobody really cared if I did. These are my excuses. Some of them might be yours too. I say it's time to give the devil his crutch back and start living life more abundantly!
Procrastination confuses our priorities and uproots God's plans in our lives.It's the death of our motivation and of truly living. If you're wondering why you feel God hasn't given you any direction, it might be because your not actually following the directions he's given you. At least, that's how it's happened in my life. From now on, I'm choosing the life God already chose for me. John 10:10 says, "A thief comes to steal and kill and destroy, but I came to give life—life in all its fullness." Won't you join me? Let Satan keep his silly little tools. They ain't got nothing on the power of Christ, who already defeated death and has raised us all to a new life! Let's Go Live!