As a Christian leader in ministry, I see a lot of different perspectives from one person or people group to another as it pertains to the Christian faith. What's more, I see those differences in the Christian faith itself too. However, a general consensuses most Christians do agree on is that God exists in three persons called the Trinity. They are God the Father, Jesus Christ the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Recently I came across a mother and daughter who were self-professed Christians but had never heard of the Trinity. They even stated that they're denomination didn't believe in the Trinity because it simply didn't make sense. I used to be a part of that denomination and I assure you, they do believe in the Trinity. Without the Trinity, the Christian faith begins to unravel...but that's a different post for another time. So, back to the point here, they're confusion over the issue was that the Trinity wasn't possible. How could God be father and son and still something else. To answer this, I turn to something I learned from my sisters church.
Most explanations of the Trinity come in the form of physical items that take on 3 distinct qualities. For example, water. It can be in a liquid form, the gas form we know as steam, or the solid form we know as ice. However, I've never felt that does justice to the reality of God's positions in the Trinity. It doesn't help us grasp how people relate because H2O isn't alive. I prefer the model of ourselves. Take me, for example. I was born to great parents 33 years ago. I am a son. However, 7 years ago I also became a father when my wife and I had our first child. So, now I am a father AND a son. But it doesn't end there. I was the third of 3 children. I am also a brother. How is it that I can be one person but exist as three different people? Well, because I simply am all those things. No matter how you slice it, I'm a father, a son, and a brother and the list goes on. If I can be these things as one person, how much more can the God of the universe exist in three persons as one God? Suddenly, this all is beginning to make more sense...don't ya think?

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
In The Mirror
Here lately I've been thinking about my dad a lot. Well, when you lose a parent, I guess you always think about them a lot. But there are some major changes happening in my life and I think that my father is on my mind more because I wish he was here to celebrate in these life changes with me. For example, I'm taking a new job that is a step forward for me. I know without a doubt God is leading me here and I'm excited about the new adventure and chapter in the lives of me and my family. But, I'm somewhat melancholy because my father isn't here to see it and be a part of it. I miss that. I miss that he's not riding me about the things I need to be doing in order to make our families move a smooth transition. I also miss his advice and wisdom.
But all that isn't what this post is about. This post is about the mirror image of my father I see in me. I'm thinking a lot about my father because I'm seeing so much of him in myself. Like when I look down on my knuckles I see freckles appearing that have never been there. For some reason, I always remember my dad having those same freckles on his knuckles. When I wrestle with my kids and find myself saying the same jokes and doing the same things my father did with me when I was a kid. Today, in the office at work, I laughed at something that was funny and I heard the exact same chuckle my father made that I used to secretly think was funny. And worst of all (but really best of all) I did my fathers "clap" the other day. Yep, I know what you're thinking...what's a "clap"? Well, my dad, when he applauded, did so in a very distinct manner. He would hold his hands up at about chest height and clap. However, he somehow coordinated he's head and jaw to flow in beat with his clapping. He would bob his head up and down with each clap as well as chuckle with his jaw moving in a very perfect up and down pattern - also in beat with the clapping. My family made fun of him for years because of this. Well sure enough, I caught myself doing the "Markgraf Clap" in public not long ago. I immediately stopped myself! I couldn't believe what I had done. I even looked around to see if the rest of my world around me had Secretly (and not so secret now) I'm glad I did it and for the first time, did it as my own rather than as a joke. It was something that reminded me of dad.
All of those things have made me think of my dad a lot here lately. I'm glad. Unlike a photo or another memory that can be lost in a move or forgotten over time, these are parts of my dad that are ingrained into me. They're are the parts of him that have physically become parts of me. These are the constant reminders of a man I dearly love and are things that no one, and nothing can take away from me.
It all makes me wonder one thing though...what am I carrying around that my Father in heaven has placed in me that is truly me? Shouldn't the world be seeing those things too?
But all that isn't what this post is about. This post is about the mirror image of my father I see in me. I'm thinking a lot about my father because I'm seeing so much of him in myself. Like when I look down on my knuckles I see freckles appearing that have never been there. For some reason, I always remember my dad having those same freckles on his knuckles. When I wrestle with my kids and find myself saying the same jokes and doing the same things my father did with me when I was a kid. Today, in the office at work, I laughed at something that was funny and I heard the exact same chuckle my father made that I used to secretly think was funny. And worst of all (but really best of all) I did my fathers "clap" the other day. Yep, I know what you're thinking...what's a "clap"? Well, my dad, when he applauded, did so in a very distinct manner. He would hold his hands up at about chest height and clap. However, he somehow coordinated he's head and jaw to flow in beat with his clapping. He would bob his head up and down with each clap as well as chuckle with his jaw moving in a very perfect up and down pattern - also in beat with the clapping. My family made fun of him for years because of this. Well sure enough, I caught myself doing the "Markgraf Clap" in public not long ago. I immediately stopped myself! I couldn't believe what I had done. I even looked around to see if the rest of my world around me had Secretly (and not so secret now) I'm glad I did it and for the first time, did it as my own rather than as a joke. It was something that reminded me of dad.
All of those things have made me think of my dad a lot here lately. I'm glad. Unlike a photo or another memory that can be lost in a move or forgotten over time, these are parts of my dad that are ingrained into me. They're are the parts of him that have physically become parts of me. These are the constant reminders of a man I dearly love and are things that no one, and nothing can take away from me.
It all makes me wonder one thing though...what am I carrying around that my Father in heaven has placed in me that is truly me? Shouldn't the world be seeing those things too?
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
God Owes Me!!
God owes me…right? Doesn’t God owe me for becoming a Christian? I mean, I did SAY I believe in Him. Heck, I even said it in front of others a time or two. God owes me!
God owes me because I did what he said I should. I got baptized in front of a lot of people just so they’d know I was serious. So, God owes me!
God owes me because I’ve done everything right. I pray sometimes…I read my Bible some. I even give God a whole hour or two one day a week. That’s not my time. I sacrifice that time…right? God owes me!
God owes me because he loves me. And if he loves me, he owes me a better life…right? God owes me!
I mean really, what’s God done? He sent his son to die in my place. He sent his son to die so that I could spend eternity beyond the pettiness of this world in an unimaginable paradise with him. He sent his son to die just so he and I could be friends. He traded his own child’s life so he and I could have a relationship. Wait, he literally offered up his son; HIS WISE, SMART, GREAT, PERFECT, SINLESS, LOVING CHILD, so that a foolish, ignorant, ungrateful, filthy, sinful, unlovable person like me could be claimed as his child instead. That doesn’t even make since. That kind of love for me is unparalleled in this world.
No, God doesn’t owe me. If anything…I OWE GOD my life! Wait...didn't I say I gave it to him? :-o
God owes me because I did what he said I should. I got baptized in front of a lot of people just so they’d know I was serious. So, God owes me!
God owes me because I’ve done everything right. I pray sometimes…I read my Bible some. I even give God a whole hour or two one day a week. That’s not my time. I sacrifice that time…right? God owes me!
God owes me because he loves me. And if he loves me, he owes me a better life…right? God owes me!
I mean really, what’s God done? He sent his son to die in my place. He sent his son to die so that I could spend eternity beyond the pettiness of this world in an unimaginable paradise with him. He sent his son to die just so he and I could be friends. He traded his own child’s life so he and I could have a relationship. Wait, he literally offered up his son; HIS WISE, SMART, GREAT, PERFECT, SINLESS, LOVING CHILD, so that a foolish, ignorant, ungrateful, filthy, sinful, unlovable person like me could be claimed as his child instead. That doesn’t even make since. That kind of love for me is unparalleled in this world.
No, God doesn’t owe me. If anything…I OWE GOD my life! Wait...didn't I say I gave it to him? :-o
Friday, May 27, 2011
What a season for tornadoes it's been. Unfortunately, they are literally all over the central and south eastern parts of the US as of late. Over 500 people have been killed within about a month due to these destructive storms. Just the other night, the city in which I live in was forecast a 9 out of 10 chance by the weather forecasters of having severe storms and tornadoes. They were right, as we had both. We were lucky though. The whirlwind storms did some damage but nothing to get all up in a tizzy about. I heard someone lost a roof and there are trees down in places (including my neighborhood) but all in all, we were lucky. Other towns and cities have been absolutely DEVASTATED this year.
This week had started out normal. I had just put up a new playground after work, for my boys, and then a phone call came. In casual conversation someone mentioned the storms headed our way. I had no clue this was coming so I got on the computer and started checking my local forecast and sure enough, we were predicted to get nailed! At first, I totally freaked out. We were supposed to go on vacation just a couple days from then and I called my wife and said, "We're going to leave today for vacation! Get home, we're leaving now!"
Ok, so maybe that wasn't the most sensible reaction. But my instincts were to save my family at all costs from the impending doom headed our way. As it turns out, my wife and kids and I went over to my moms house and we rode the storms out in a closet together. You'd have thought we were going camping or something. My kids had game systems and toys to play with in the closet. We had blankets and pillows to cover up with and to sit on too. And even though it was a little unnerving and incredibly cramped (3 adults and 2 kids in a closet is tight) the conversation we wonderful. It was an unplanned vacation in which the family simply set around and communed together. We played games in the closet with the kids to distract them from the whirlwind storms outside. We talked, we laughed and it was generally a wonderful time with those I dearly love. It made me think about how important these people are to me in my life and how I'd be lost without each of them. I also had a reality check that reminded me that we aren't promised more time than the present with the people we love. That made me ask myself, why do we ever let the whirlwinds of life take us from those we love?
This week had started out normal. I had just put up a new playground after work, for my boys, and then a phone call came. In casual conversation someone mentioned the storms headed our way. I had no clue this was coming so I got on the computer and started checking my local forecast and sure enough, we were predicted to get nailed! At first, I totally freaked out. We were supposed to go on vacation just a couple days from then and I called my wife and said, "We're going to leave today for vacation! Get home, we're leaving now!"
Ok, so maybe that wasn't the most sensible reaction. But my instincts were to save my family at all costs from the impending doom headed our way. As it turns out, my wife and kids and I went over to my moms house and we rode the storms out in a closet together. You'd have thought we were going camping or something. My kids had game systems and toys to play with in the closet. We had blankets and pillows to cover up with and to sit on too. And even though it was a little unnerving and incredibly cramped (3 adults and 2 kids in a closet is tight) the conversation we wonderful. It was an unplanned vacation in which the family simply set around and communed together. We played games in the closet with the kids to distract them from the whirlwind storms outside. We talked, we laughed and it was generally a wonderful time with those I dearly love. It made me think about how important these people are to me in my life and how I'd be lost without each of them. I also had a reality check that reminded me that we aren't promised more time than the present with the people we love. That made me ask myself, why do we ever let the whirlwinds of life take us from those we love?
Monday, May 9, 2011
What Mother's Teach Us
Yesterday was Mother's Day and I just didn't feel right honoring our mothers with a blog. So, I took a look at three exceptional mothers from centuries present and past. They are world famous mothers. Not for being moms though, rather, for being exceptional in their Christian walk. So let's get to it.
1) Mother Teresa - Mother Teresa teaches us what it means to follow Romans 12:1 which says, "So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship." I can't remember ever seeing a picture of Mother Teresa in catholic Mass. It's not that she didn't attend, most assuredly she did. But her true worship was in sacrificing her own needs and desires for the sake of others and ultimately, for the sake of Christ. That's a lesson we all can learn from.
2) Mother Mary - As a protestant, we don't give Mary her full due a lot of times. However, if there's one lesson Mary can teach us, it's how to endure struggles and pain. She was pregnant as a young teen and was unwed when it happened. Her future husband, Joseph, had one foot out the door until an angel came to him in a dream and assured him her pregnancy really was from the Lord. I'm sure she was mocked and laughed at plenty. Not to mention, she watched her little baby boy grow up completely innocent of all crimes and sin. Yet, she watched him suffer beatings, false accusations and watched him die a criminals inhumane death, naked, on a cross. Yet, she endured through it all. She is the perfect example of what Paul means when he writes in Romans 5:3-4, "But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope." Our hope in Christ is our confidence in Him. That he is who he says he is and that he did what he claimed to. So praise God for the refining process of struggle that ultimately reminds us of our hope in Christ.
3) Susan Wesley - Susan Wesley was the mother of John Wesley who was the founder of Methodism. She is a shining example of what it means to be Spiritually Disciplined. Every day she taught her children their scholastic studies, Biblical studies, and prayer time. She also spent time every day for herself with God. Oh, did I mention she had 19 children! Now, less than half survived ( I believe somewhere between 6-9)which she still managed time for every week and every day. She prayed, read her Bible and helped in her community. Three disciplines I know I need to do better in my own life. How about You?
WOW, what extraordinary women these women were! I'm so impressed by each and only hope my life is as dedicated to the love of God through loving the people of this world as theirs were.
1) Mother Teresa - Mother Teresa teaches us what it means to follow Romans 12:1 which says, "So brothers and sisters, since God has shown us great mercy, I beg you to offer your lives as a living sacrifice to him. Your offering must be only for God and pleasing to him, which is the spiritual way for you to worship." I can't remember ever seeing a picture of Mother Teresa in catholic Mass. It's not that she didn't attend, most assuredly she did. But her true worship was in sacrificing her own needs and desires for the sake of others and ultimately, for the sake of Christ. That's a lesson we all can learn from.
2) Mother Mary - As a protestant, we don't give Mary her full due a lot of times. However, if there's one lesson Mary can teach us, it's how to endure struggles and pain. She was pregnant as a young teen and was unwed when it happened. Her future husband, Joseph, had one foot out the door until an angel came to him in a dream and assured him her pregnancy really was from the Lord. I'm sure she was mocked and laughed at plenty. Not to mention, she watched her little baby boy grow up completely innocent of all crimes and sin. Yet, she watched him suffer beatings, false accusations and watched him die a criminals inhumane death, naked, on a cross. Yet, she endured through it all. She is the perfect example of what Paul means when he writes in Romans 5:3-4, "But that's not all! We gladly suffer, because we know that suffering helps us to endure. And endurance builds character, which gives us a hope." Our hope in Christ is our confidence in Him. That he is who he says he is and that he did what he claimed to. So praise God for the refining process of struggle that ultimately reminds us of our hope in Christ.
3) Susan Wesley - Susan Wesley was the mother of John Wesley who was the founder of Methodism. She is a shining example of what it means to be Spiritually Disciplined. Every day she taught her children their scholastic studies, Biblical studies, and prayer time. She also spent time every day for herself with God. Oh, did I mention she had 19 children! Now, less than half survived ( I believe somewhere between 6-9)which she still managed time for every week and every day. She prayed, read her Bible and helped in her community. Three disciplines I know I need to do better in my own life. How about You?
WOW, what extraordinary women these women were! I'm so impressed by each and only hope my life is as dedicated to the love of God through loving the people of this world as theirs were.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Run Away
I was thinking about Jonah the other day. We were reading from his book in the Bible and the story struck me from a different point of view. This time, rather than a third party, I became Jonah (a position I unfortunately have played many times in my life.) Well anyway, I could only imagine how a modern day conversation between Jonah and God might have gone. Adding some of my own frustrations along the way, these lyrics below are the result of the thought process. It is now actually a song, but I'm only posting the lyrics for now.
Run Away
You walked in smiling ear to ear
you say that you got good news
so I'm ready to hear
Then you share your news with me
instead of delighted, I despise it
I'm green with jealousy
Oh it makes me wanna run away
It makes me wanna run away
no matter what you say
I don't wanna be here anyway.
The feelings cold as I head for the door
I can't understand why I'm left out to dry
while the cold rain pours.
Oh it makes me wanna run away
It makes me wanna run away
no matter what you say
I don't wanna be here anyway.
I said it makes me wanna run
but that's hard to do
when everything I need happens to be
all wrapped up in you
Why do I run away
why do I run away
no matter what I say
I need to be right here today.
Run Away
You walked in smiling ear to ear
you say that you got good news
so I'm ready to hear
Then you share your news with me
instead of delighted, I despise it
I'm green with jealousy
Oh it makes me wanna run away
It makes me wanna run away
no matter what you say
I don't wanna be here anyway.
The feelings cold as I head for the door
I can't understand why I'm left out to dry
while the cold rain pours.
Oh it makes me wanna run away
It makes me wanna run away
no matter what you say
I don't wanna be here anyway.
I said it makes me wanna run
but that's hard to do
when everything I need happens to be
all wrapped up in you
Why do I run away
why do I run away
no matter what I say
I need to be right here today.
Monday, April 18, 2011
The parable of the Dirty Laundry
Laundry is a funny thing around my house. I don’t know, maybe it is around your house too. In my house, laundry is a daily activity…or at least should be. We don’t make a daily one, as there are mounds of clothes currently in my hall outside the laundry closet to testify to this. However, whenever my wife and I trudge up the will to fight the battle ahead, it usually happens in heaps. Yep, we usually grab one big, supersized mound of clothes and throw it in the wash. Sometimes they’re even separated into whites, darks, and towels. Depending on how much there is to do will usually determine the time and effort put toward the proper separation of the clothes. That’s probably not too uncommon from house to house in America is we’re honest with ourselves. Then, the process usually continues with the steps of washing the clothes. In our case, we turn the water on, dump in the soap and close the lid. What caught my attention today were all the dials on the washer. Sure, I’ve seen them many times, but common, who really uses all those. Seriously! In our house, regardless of the size of the load that goes in the wash, the dial that adjusts the water according to the size is ALWAYS on “LARGE”. There are two other settings; “SMALL” and “MEDIUM”. Those suckers NEVER get used in my house. On top of that, there’s actually a line in your laundry detergent cap to show you where to fill the cap up to depending on the size load you are washing. Once again, our loads (regardless of size) all get the full cap of laundry detergent. HA, isn’t that a bit silly? Is that the way it works in your house too? (My wife hates me right now for revealing the way we do laundry in our house, I’m sure.) Today, I’m proud to say I took one more step closer to correcting myself. I actually switched the “LARGE” dial to “SMALL”, which was appropriate for the size load today. However, I still filled the cap up and dumped it in before I thought about what I was doing. Guess old habits will die hard.
My laundry experience today made me thing of the parable of the workers in the Bible. You know, the one where all the workers get paid the same amount of wages at the end of the day, regardless of how much time they’d put in. Here, check out the parable below.
Matt 20:1-16
"For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who was the master of a household, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. He went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace. To them he said, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. About the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle. He said to them, ‘Why do you stand here all day idle?’ "They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ "He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and you will receive whatever is right.’ When evening had come, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first.’ "When those who were hired at about the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius. When the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise each received a denarius. When they received it, they murmured against the master of the household, saying, ‘These last have spent one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat!’ "But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Didn’t you agree with me for a denarius? Take that which is yours, and go your way. It is my desire to give to this last just as much as to you. Isn’t it lawful for me to do what I want to with what I own? Or is your eye evil, because I am good?’
Just as my laundry received the same amount of cleanser to be washed, so did the workers receive the same wage. This story is ultimately about our choosing Christ. It doesn’t matter if you come to Christ late in life or early, the reward is the same. The Grace that enables your cleansing is the same. No matter how big the mound of dirt is in your life, or how small, the same love and mercy and forgiveness is offered to all. God’s not in the business of define who is better than another because ALL have sinned and are in need of a savior. The question for me is, am I offering grace in equal amounts like Christ, or am I stingy and choosy with my grace? What about you?
My laundry experience today made me thing of the parable of the workers in the Bible. You know, the one where all the workers get paid the same amount of wages at the end of the day, regardless of how much time they’d put in. Here, check out the parable below.
Matt 20:1-16
"For the Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who was the master of a household, who went out early in the morning to hire laborers for his vineyard. When he had agreed with the laborers for a denarius a day, he sent them into his vineyard. He went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace. To them he said, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and whatever is right I will give you.’ So they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and the ninth hour, and did likewise. About the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle. He said to them, ‘Why do you stand here all day idle?’ "They said to him, ‘Because no one has hired us.’ "He said to them, ‘You also go into the vineyard, and you will receive whatever is right.’ When evening had come, the lord of the vineyard said to his steward, ‘Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning from the last to the first.’ "When those who were hired at about the eleventh hour came, they each received a denarius. When the first came, they supposed that they would receive more; and they likewise each received a denarius. When they received it, they murmured against the master of the household, saying, ‘These last have spent one hour, and you have made them equal to us, who have borne the burden of the day and the scorching heat!’ "But he answered one of them, ‘Friend, I am doing you no wrong. Didn’t you agree with me for a denarius? Take that which is yours, and go your way. It is my desire to give to this last just as much as to you. Isn’t it lawful for me to do what I want to with what I own? Or is your eye evil, because I am good?’
Just as my laundry received the same amount of cleanser to be washed, so did the workers receive the same wage. This story is ultimately about our choosing Christ. It doesn’t matter if you come to Christ late in life or early, the reward is the same. The Grace that enables your cleansing is the same. No matter how big the mound of dirt is in your life, or how small, the same love and mercy and forgiveness is offered to all. God’s not in the business of define who is better than another because ALL have sinned and are in need of a savior. The question for me is, am I offering grace in equal amounts like Christ, or am I stingy and choosy with my grace? What about you?
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Don't worry, be happy...right?
Why is it so hard to do? You would think there would be many more daunting tasks in life that would take much more of our concentrated efforts to accomplish. Seriously, aren't there bigger distractions in life than little ole "worry". I think I'd have to say, "no!" In all reality, worry weighs on each of us every day. Proverbs even tells us worry weighs on us. I've fallen into worry's trap today and as I write this my mental exhaustion has taken it's toll on me physically. In other words, my stress and anxiety about the day have now brought me to a place where I'm too tired to experience the rest of my day. There's definitely a reason God tells us not to worry. What's more, God tells us we can't add anything to our lives by worrying. The problem for me is, I'm so dang good at it. And, as anyone would, I hate to stop something I'm talented at. ;) All this to say, today my prayer is to let go a little more and rest easy in the arms of my savior. After all, what better place is there for me to be?
Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Soap Molding
Don’t worry folks; this isn’t a blog about moldy soap. However, this is a blog about molding soap. This, again, isn’t to be confused with the process in which soap has been left untouched for months and as a result, in it moist environment begins to mold. No, rather, this is about the process of molding two bars of soap together. You know…soap molding.
Have you ever molded two bars of soap together? I’m sure you have, even if you haven’t noticed. The process goes a little something like this. After a given time span (depending on the size of the bar of soap and the number of times per day it’s used) a bar of soap (we’ll say one that’s in the shower) begins to dwindle. It’s just the nature of the beast. You use the bar to wash, and the more you use, the smaller and thinner the bar gets. After some time the bar reaches a flimsy like plastic state in which it becomes rather cumbersome to use effectively. It’s at this time you realize a new bar is necessary. However, what do you do with the remainder of the bar that’s left? After all, it’s still soap and can still be used to cleanse, right? Many might throw it out into the hand soap tray on the sink. But let’s face it, though you’d still finish off the soap, it might look a little tacky. So I say no, the more proper thing to due is leave it in the shower. Get a new bar and use that new bar for cleaning one time. At the end of it’s first use, take the old flimsy bar and lay it on top of the new bar that’s just been used. Come back a day later and you have begun your soap molding process.
Depending on the thickness of the old bar, you can have a unibar of soap in as little as one day. Sometimes, the molding process takes a little longer. Occasionally the old bar isn’t quite ready for molding and for whatever reason (justified or not) you decide to press your luck with soap molding and see if you can force a proper molding of the soaps. However, this isn’t the best idea. Soaps need to be used to a point before their ready. I’ve tried to force two soaps before the proper time. The result was the two united bars separating again. That can be really frustrating for some reason. No, the best thing to do is to be patient with your soap…make sure it gets to the correct stage in its soap life, and then when ready, bring the two soaps together for proper molding and perfect results. Still, some bars may mold quicker than others, but all will eventually adapt and mold together. It's such a silly little process for saving soap. Wonder what it would look like if we used this method in saving souls?
Have you ever molded two bars of soap together? I’m sure you have, even if you haven’t noticed. The process goes a little something like this. After a given time span (depending on the size of the bar of soap and the number of times per day it’s used) a bar of soap (we’ll say one that’s in the shower) begins to dwindle. It’s just the nature of the beast. You use the bar to wash, and the more you use, the smaller and thinner the bar gets. After some time the bar reaches a flimsy like plastic state in which it becomes rather cumbersome to use effectively. It’s at this time you realize a new bar is necessary. However, what do you do with the remainder of the bar that’s left? After all, it’s still soap and can still be used to cleanse, right? Many might throw it out into the hand soap tray on the sink. But let’s face it, though you’d still finish off the soap, it might look a little tacky. So I say no, the more proper thing to due is leave it in the shower. Get a new bar and use that new bar for cleaning one time. At the end of it’s first use, take the old flimsy bar and lay it on top of the new bar that’s just been used. Come back a day later and you have begun your soap molding process.
Depending on the thickness of the old bar, you can have a unibar of soap in as little as one day. Sometimes, the molding process takes a little longer. Occasionally the old bar isn’t quite ready for molding and for whatever reason (justified or not) you decide to press your luck with soap molding and see if you can force a proper molding of the soaps. However, this isn’t the best idea. Soaps need to be used to a point before their ready. I’ve tried to force two soaps before the proper time. The result was the two united bars separating again. That can be really frustrating for some reason. No, the best thing to do is to be patient with your soap…make sure it gets to the correct stage in its soap life, and then when ready, bring the two soaps together for proper molding and perfect results. Still, some bars may mold quicker than others, but all will eventually adapt and mold together. It's such a silly little process for saving soap. Wonder what it would look like if we used this method in saving souls?
Monday, April 4, 2011
Only Time Will Tell
A friend of mine (Anthony Schaeffer) and I met today for our discipleship/writers group. Today, we had some extra time and decided to collaborate on two stories. We spent 30 minutes writing two stories, trading computers every five minutes regardless of where we were in the story. Even if in mid-sentence. The story below is the result of the one I started. His blog (Wanderings) has the other posted on it. I guess the question for you, the reader, is, how would you end it?
Only Time Will Tell
She slowly bent down on at the foot of her bed. Placing her arm across the bed board she rested her head on her forearm, face to the ground. It was the bed she had grown up in, but had long since moved beyond. Now, at 34, there wasn’t a real need for a twin sized day bed filled with stuffed bears and pink pillows. However, here she set at the end of that very bed. The head board pushed tightly to the wall, she occupied the space at the foot of the bed. This bed was a catalyst for so many memories. She slowly raised her head, mascara running down her cheeks, like a child, she brushed her forearm just under her nose as she sniffed. It was hard to believe that she was leaving her home for a new life in Los Angles.
Her husband of just over a week has a job in sales for Paramount Studios he starts next Monday, that leaves just a day short of a week for Miranda to pack up her life and fly out to L.A. to join him. As she is looking at the mementos of her childhood she is transported back to her first ballet recital. She recalled how the butter flies in her seven year old stomach made her want to run. She wasn’t scared of successfully pulling off her dance routine, she knew she was good…even at seven. She had stage fright worse than anyone though. She remembers how Steven, the only boy in the class, ran up to her and gave her a hug. He said, “Miranda, you can do this. Just pretend you’re at the studio and the only people watching are your parents and me.” She raised her head up from her forearm, wiped the snot on her sleeve and said, “Thanks Steven!” She went out and was, as expected, the best performer of the day.
Snapping back in to reality, she grabbed Floppy off the bed. Floppy was a stuffed dog with a long tail and two floppy ears. One ear shorter than the other. Miranda couldn’t believe what she’d discovered about her husband. Floppy was the first gift she’d ever received from him. She held Floppy tight and buried her face in Floppy’s head as the rains came flowing from her eyes. Miranda’s husband didn’t know she knew…but she did.
She was scarred at the thought of being so far away from the small frame, Kentucky house that she had grown up in. But she was married to the man that she loved, and hopefully with enough patience she could make him love her. Mom told her that she would have to be the tower of strength in this relationship, the glue that would bond them together. She would have to be the loving supportive house wife that would make him forget those texts he got while on their honeymoon. How could he, just days before stand before God and pledge to love her and receive these messages from his ex.
They had been down this road before and he had assured her that it was over. Those naked pictures on his iPhone sure told a different story. That did not look like the type of message you send someone who told you it was over. Had Miranda been taken for a fool? Only time would tell.
Only Time Will Tell
She slowly bent down on at the foot of her bed. Placing her arm across the bed board she rested her head on her forearm, face to the ground. It was the bed she had grown up in, but had long since moved beyond. Now, at 34, there wasn’t a real need for a twin sized day bed filled with stuffed bears and pink pillows. However, here she set at the end of that very bed. The head board pushed tightly to the wall, she occupied the space at the foot of the bed. This bed was a catalyst for so many memories. She slowly raised her head, mascara running down her cheeks, like a child, she brushed her forearm just under her nose as she sniffed. It was hard to believe that she was leaving her home for a new life in Los Angles.
Her husband of just over a week has a job in sales for Paramount Studios he starts next Monday, that leaves just a day short of a week for Miranda to pack up her life and fly out to L.A. to join him. As she is looking at the mementos of her childhood she is transported back to her first ballet recital. She recalled how the butter flies in her seven year old stomach made her want to run. She wasn’t scared of successfully pulling off her dance routine, she knew she was good…even at seven. She had stage fright worse than anyone though. She remembers how Steven, the only boy in the class, ran up to her and gave her a hug. He said, “Miranda, you can do this. Just pretend you’re at the studio and the only people watching are your parents and me.” She raised her head up from her forearm, wiped the snot on her sleeve and said, “Thanks Steven!” She went out and was, as expected, the best performer of the day.
Snapping back in to reality, she grabbed Floppy off the bed. Floppy was a stuffed dog with a long tail and two floppy ears. One ear shorter than the other. Miranda couldn’t believe what she’d discovered about her husband. Floppy was the first gift she’d ever received from him. She held Floppy tight and buried her face in Floppy’s head as the rains came flowing from her eyes. Miranda’s husband didn’t know she knew…but she did.
She was scarred at the thought of being so far away from the small frame, Kentucky house that she had grown up in. But she was married to the man that she loved, and hopefully with enough patience she could make him love her. Mom told her that she would have to be the tower of strength in this relationship, the glue that would bond them together. She would have to be the loving supportive house wife that would make him forget those texts he got while on their honeymoon. How could he, just days before stand before God and pledge to love her and receive these messages from his ex.
They had been down this road before and he had assured her that it was over. Those naked pictures on his iPhone sure told a different story. That did not look like the type of message you send someone who told you it was over. Had Miranda been taken for a fool? Only time would tell.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
The Oddity of the Ipod
Have you ever thought about how weird it is to walk around with your own personal theme music for a day? In a sense, that’s what we do when we pop those classic white ear buds into our ear with the flimsy, matching wire running down to the Ipod power module which seamlessly transports us into our own musical Universe. It’s not our musical universe because we choose what’s being played, rather it’s ours because each song chosen has meaning and feeling that is related specifically to us. Its meaning may be known to all, it may not, but it is always known to one…you. It’s that connection that makes the Ipod (or any pocket music device) so odd. Not odd as in “unique”, but odd as in peculiar. This strange little device has the power to make an individual walk around with a flood of emotions in which the individual unconsciously assumes everyone around them understands. Because you hear the music of your universe, yet you exist in the conscious reality of the living, you are a paradox. Yes, you have something special going on and you can feel it! If someone shoots you a weird look, you shoot one back as if they’re crazy for not hearing the music that announced your grand entrance. The feeling is undeniably incredible to walk around blasting your own personal theme music for the moment, while you unconsciously assume everyone else here’s it and knows it's YOU coming! It’s almost like walking in a movie and you’re the star that gets music played in every scene that you’re in. It’s really weird, isn’t it? I mean, if we walked around thinking people could hear the voices in our heads…wouldn’t we all be crazy?
Strangely enough, Christians ARE crazy…right? Don’t we go around as if everyone can hear and understand the music we walk in the room to? Don’t we act as though everyone gets it and if they don’t they are an idiot for not understanding and so there for, they get condemned? We all have different tastes when it comes to music. And simply because your music is great to you and fits your personal walk doesn’t mean its music that everyone likes. However, we all love music. That’s the Christian approach to telling others about Christ. Our personal theme song is our approach and delivery. However, the music is Christianity. So what’s your theme music sound like? Is it too much for others to understand?
Blessings in Christ,
Strangely enough, Christians ARE crazy…right? Don’t we go around as if everyone can hear and understand the music we walk in the room to? Don’t we act as though everyone gets it and if they don’t they are an idiot for not understanding and so there for, they get condemned? We all have different tastes when it comes to music. And simply because your music is great to you and fits your personal walk doesn’t mean its music that everyone likes. However, we all love music. That’s the Christian approach to telling others about Christ. Our personal theme song is our approach and delivery. However, the music is Christianity. So what’s your theme music sound like? Is it too much for others to understand?
Blessings in Christ,
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Putting on the Armor...again.
Have you ever thought about what it means to put on the full armor of God? We all have read the passages in Ephesians that refer to this armor. In case you need a refresher, let’s take another look.
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. – Ephesians 6:10-18
Have you ever noticed how much of God’s “armor” is the Bible? The belt of truth in verse 14, that truth is the Bible. Our feet of readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace…that Gospel is the one and only in the Bible. Our Helmet of salvation and our Sword of the Spirit, both are the word of God which is, of course, the Bible.
So much of the “armor” God wants us to put on is about being prepared with knowledge and wisdom of God’s Holy word. Some of my friends and I have had a recent revelation about just how important this armor is. We all deal with sin and the struggle to keep Satan out of our lives. Whether it be depression, confusion, fear, addictions, time management, or a whole list of other possibilities, one thing that stands true is the battle is real. Paul is aware of this in his message to the Ephesians. That’s why this protection we seek from the Lord is referred to as “armor”. Here’s the catch though; just because we put the armor of God on one day doesn’t mean it stays on every day. In other words, we have to find ourselves in God’s word daily in order to remain protected from whatever foothold Satan can get on us. The moment we stop the routine of daily living in the word is the moment we have handed our armor back to God and said, “I don’t need this anymore, I can do it on my own.” Guess what friends, you can’t…and neither can I! No one can. It is not by our own accord or own strength that we ever defeat Satan, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit. So remember, your daily time in the word is extremely valuable and important whether you feel it daily or not. Every bit you read will better prepare you for when Satan attacks. My experience is, when I’m solidly in the word, I don’t even see the attacks around me because the Spirit goes before and fights my battles for me. So, put on the full armor of God today. And then tomorrow, when you get up, be sure you put it back on again!
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. – Ephesians 6:10-18
Have you ever noticed how much of God’s “armor” is the Bible? The belt of truth in verse 14, that truth is the Bible. Our feet of readiness that comes from the Gospel of peace…that Gospel is the one and only in the Bible. Our Helmet of salvation and our Sword of the Spirit, both are the word of God which is, of course, the Bible.
So much of the “armor” God wants us to put on is about being prepared with knowledge and wisdom of God’s Holy word. Some of my friends and I have had a recent revelation about just how important this armor is. We all deal with sin and the struggle to keep Satan out of our lives. Whether it be depression, confusion, fear, addictions, time management, or a whole list of other possibilities, one thing that stands true is the battle is real. Paul is aware of this in his message to the Ephesians. That’s why this protection we seek from the Lord is referred to as “armor”. Here’s the catch though; just because we put the armor of God on one day doesn’t mean it stays on every day. In other words, we have to find ourselves in God’s word daily in order to remain protected from whatever foothold Satan can get on us. The moment we stop the routine of daily living in the word is the moment we have handed our armor back to God and said, “I don’t need this anymore, I can do it on my own.” Guess what friends, you can’t…and neither can I! No one can. It is not by our own accord or own strength that we ever defeat Satan, it is through the power of the Holy Spirit. So remember, your daily time in the word is extremely valuable and important whether you feel it daily or not. Every bit you read will better prepare you for when Satan attacks. My experience is, when I’m solidly in the word, I don’t even see the attacks around me because the Spirit goes before and fights my battles for me. So, put on the full armor of God today. And then tomorrow, when you get up, be sure you put it back on again!
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Well, this isn't your regular poem from me. But, nonetheless, I'd love to hear your thoughts, interpretations and so on...
She’s more than an addiction, I have to have her to live
But there’s a chance for my redemption just beyond the fib
And the truth I hold so loosely is lost within the light
Of the ramblings deep within me and of which I hold so tight
I can’t wait for the next fix the second she hits my veins
Waiting on her next hit to take away the pain
she brings me to my knees, knockin on deaths door
But I’m lost in the disease as I attempt to use my lore.
The help I need is there, waiting for me to agree
But the disguised hope’s what she offers and it’s calling out to me
Lies, lies, lies fill up my heart and head
As I climb down from the highs, I know I’ve been left for dead
Her love is the drug, it overwhelms my soul
But the darkness in that love keeps me from being whole
It provides the calm I seek and offers me release
And I’m not willing to leave the safety of deceit
It’s really not her fault, I’m the one to blame
And I’m awfully convincing so no one can see my shame
She just keeps on chasing and I can’t let her go
Freedom, oh freedom, I guess I’ll never know
Freedom, oh freedom, Lord come and save my soul
She’s more than an addiction, I have to have her to live
But there’s a chance for my redemption just beyond the fib
And the truth I hold so loosely is lost within the light
Of the ramblings deep within me and of which I hold so tight
I can’t wait for the next fix the second she hits my veins
Waiting on her next hit to take away the pain
she brings me to my knees, knockin on deaths door
But I’m lost in the disease as I attempt to use my lore.
The help I need is there, waiting for me to agree
But the disguised hope’s what she offers and it’s calling out to me
Lies, lies, lies fill up my heart and head
As I climb down from the highs, I know I’ve been left for dead
Her love is the drug, it overwhelms my soul
But the darkness in that love keeps me from being whole
It provides the calm I seek and offers me release
And I’m not willing to leave the safety of deceit
It’s really not her fault, I’m the one to blame
And I’m awfully convincing so no one can see my shame
She just keeps on chasing and I can’t let her go
Freedom, oh freedom, I guess I’ll never know
Freedom, oh freedom, Lord come and save my soul
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